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Fine Tuning Joby Aviation’s Air Taxi

With Luminary, we know which ideas to pursue and which ideas not to pursue very quickly. We don’t spend months thinking about these problems.”

— Gregor Veble Mikic, Joby Chief Aerodynamicist

The whole tool chain has been key for us: how do you get from geometry to your result. This is what Luminary is good at. Getting the geometry into the code, creating a mesh automatically and then running the code.”

— Gregor Veble Mikic, Joby Chief Aerodynamicist

5 min

Time to mesh, down from 1.5 hours with Joby’s previous solution

20 min

Time from CAD to results, down from 3 hours with Joby’s previous solution


Greater engineer productivity

Being able to do rapid design cycles in any area of the aircraft that involves fluid simulation is going to lead to a better product.”

— Benjamin Brelje, Joby MDO Staff Engineer


A fairing revision on the Joby aircraft demonstrating smoother pressure contours and reduced separation following analysis in Luminary Cloud